Nokia announced on Tuesday that Instagram is finally coming to Windows Phone 8, and the firm told us that it's something it has been "screaming for" for a long time.
SEW's sister publication, The INQUIRER caught up with Samuli Hanninen, vice president of software program management for Lumia smart devices, who told us that Nokia has long been calling for Instagram to come to the Windows Phone mobile operating system.
This is nothing that the firm is shy about either, with Nokia having begged the hipster photo sharing service to release an app called #2Instawithlove earlier this year.
Hanninen said, "We have been screaming about Instagram for the past 18 months. It's something we really wanted to come to the Windows Phone operating system, and now it is finally here.
"Instagram wasn't just one of the major photography apps that Lumia devices have been missing, it's one of the main apps in general that has been absent from the operating system," he added, telling us that the arrival of the app in a few weeks will boost Nokia's already "market leading" imaging tools.
Hanninen also spoke with us about the Finnish firm's new tablet, the Nokia Lumia 2520. Unlike other tablets on the market, Nokia's debut Windows 8.1 slate has a major focus on photography, despite taking photos with a tablet often being viewed as not the done thing, to put it lightly.
"Camera technology on a tablet is by no means as important as it is on a smartphone, but it's important - and it's something Nokia wants to push," Hanninen said.
"Here in Abu Dhabi, we've seen people who only have a tablet device - not a smartphone - and who want to take pictures using it. Currently, tablet makers don't focus on photography so these people are missing out, so that's something Nokia is looking to change."
It looks like we'll see more tablets being waved in the air at concerts, then. Yippee.
This article was originally published on the Inquirer.
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