Microsoft has submitted a whopping 17,142 takedown requests to Google in the past two years, equating to around 165 each week, according to the latest Google Transparency Report. Since July 2011, Microsoft has asked for 13,843,300 URLs to be removed for copyright infringement, meaning Google is faced with dealing with 26,620 URLs that offend Microsoft every day.
Microsoft clearly is feeling more threatened by Google as time goes on, as Google’s handy graph portrays, indicating the steady growth in URLs ripe for removal. In 2011 Microsoft could barely muster the enthusiasm to complain about more than 50,000 URLs per week, with the number reaching a peak in the week of November 14, 2011 with 88,000 URLs sent to Google for banishment.
By 2012, Microsoft regularly identified more than 100,000 URLs for removal a week, reaching the hady heights of 262,000 pesky URLs during the week of August 13 – must have been the summer lull.
Fast forward to this year, and Microsoft is managing to find 200,000-plus undesirable URLs every week, reaching its all-time high of 372,000 the week of February 25. No wonder then that Microsoft accidentally asked Google to remove six legitimate links to its own domain recently, it must be difficult to keep track.
The main offenders according to Microsoft are with 243,000 undesired URLs, with 172,000 and with 128,000. Microsoft has even taken on a small army - well, 23 firms - to help in its fight against Google copyright infringement.
Microsoft still has a fair way to go before it catches up with the biggest complainers. Recording bodies the RIAA and BPI, and porn producer Froytal Services, have all identified more URLs for removal than the Microsoft.
Google has delisted hundreds of millions of allegedly copyright infringing links this year. Google's transparency report shows a big spike at the start of this year that continues to ramp up over time.
This time last year Google was being met with 517,313 requests to remove links to domains. The latest number is 3,555,202. That is in a month.
Microsoft clearly is feeling more threatened by Google as time goes on, as Google’s handy graph portrays, indicating the steady growth in URLs ripe for removal. In 2011 Microsoft could barely muster the enthusiasm to complain about more than 50,000 URLs per week, with the number reaching a peak in the week of November 14, 2011 with 88,000 URLs sent to Google for banishment.
By 2012, Microsoft regularly identified more than 100,000 URLs for removal a week, reaching the hady heights of 262,000 pesky URLs during the week of August 13 – must have been the summer lull.
Fast forward to this year, and Microsoft is managing to find 200,000-plus undesirable URLs every week, reaching its all-time high of 372,000 the week of February 25. No wonder then that Microsoft accidentally asked Google to remove six legitimate links to its own domain recently, it must be difficult to keep track.
The main offenders according to Microsoft are with 243,000 undesired URLs, with 172,000 and with 128,000. Microsoft has even taken on a small army - well, 23 firms - to help in its fight against Google copyright infringement.
Microsoft still has a fair way to go before it catches up with the biggest complainers. Recording bodies the RIAA and BPI, and porn producer Froytal Services, have all identified more URLs for removal than the Microsoft.
Google has delisted hundreds of millions of allegedly copyright infringing links this year. Google's transparency report shows a big spike at the start of this year that continues to ramp up over time.
This time last year Google was being met with 517,313 requests to remove links to domains. The latest number is 3,555,202. That is in a month.
This article was originally published on the Inquirer.
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